Friday, February 1, 2013

3/4 of OUR Nest Back Together!!

My 17 year old got to come home in May of 2012, but my 8 year old finally got to come home December 19th after being at his dad's house for just under eight months.  I picked him up from school and we went to pick up his one little box from his dad's.  I did not care that he did not get all of his clothes and other things back, I just cared that he was heading back home with me where he belongs!  We spent the afternoon at home hugging and watched movies that night.  The next day we packed and left for St. Louis to spend Christmas with my sister and brother-in-law.  It was a very nice visit and we hated to leave, but we had our lives to get back to and things to do in order for him to be ready for school when it started again.  He was going back to the school he was torn from after only being there four days in April.  He was apprehensive at first, but he is enjoying it and has a very caring teacher.  I am not going to lie and say that things have not been a bit of a challenge, because it has been a challenge switching gears from only having a 17 year old in the house, to having my 8 year old back home.  He is adjusting well to class with a few minor glitches, but his teacher, my son, and I are working together to make sure he is very successful!  We have a 504 meeting scheduled to see what gaps we can fill in to get him even more help.  When he was with his dad, they had him in special education instead of in the regular classroom.  He was told for eight months that he wasn't smart enough to be in a regular classroom setting and was made to feel he is stupid.  He is a very intelligent child and has wonderful social skills!!  His teacher, my beautiful son, and I will not accept mediocrity!!  He is rising to the challenge and his grades are still up to par.  I am back in school now, so now we do homework and study together.  We read at bedtime most nights and that is our downtime together so we can unwind from the day.  Having him home has been great!!  Now to get my other baby home when he gets out of school for the summer!  :)

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